Friday 6 December 2019

Should New Zealand Use Fossil Fuels

No we shouldn’t continue to use it because we have more planet friendly alternatives such as hydro electric power stations that generates energy from rivers. You can also use wind turbines to generate electricity as well as solar energy these are all renewable which means it won’t run out like coal, oil and gas will. 80% of the world are currently burning fossil fuels to make our energy but there are safer ways to do so. 

If we continue to make energy the way we are now it will end badly for us and everything on earth, The poison in the  fumes could end up giving you cancer as well as many other health problems, but you can’t get sick when you use renewable energy sources so why shouldn’t we?  

Why wouldn’t you want to have safe and renewable energy instead of energy that comes from sources that harm the planet and human beings? That is why the world should go for renewable energy because it’s better in every way. 

Thursday 21 November 2019

Fossil Of Four Legged Whale

The fossil of a four legged whale was discovered marine sediments 1km inland from Peru's pacific coast at Playa Media Luna that is estimated to be at least 43 million years old. The scientists who found this fossil are calling it Peregocetus pacificus which means the travelling whale that reached the pacific. It had four legs, webbed feet and hooves. It was four meters long and semi aquatic.

Friday 7 June 2019

Should Cannabis Be Legalised?

Image result for weed

I think it should be legal but not necessarily for everyone there should be an age and intake limit like for 18+ maybe. It is still better than the synthetic cannabis that they give you which is harmful and legal which isn't a good combination. It can also be used for anti-depressant purposes. But that doesn't mean you an smoke it all the time because then you could lose your job and be homeless in the long run. So I think with the right law that it would be good for us.

Friday 2 November 2018

Friday 26 October 2018

Wednesday 26 September 2018



All you can hear is the ringing in your own ears
Your pathetic torch sputtering before it goes out entirely.
Darkness envelops you completely
bringing with it
a wave of despair.

Swarming over still and silent grounds
A hollow desperation fills your body
forcing you to venture onto the destined path.

You have to escape
before darkness takes over your body
stealing your soul
before leaving your body to rot.

Think happy thoughts...
happy thoughts...
your mantra, happy thoughts…         
“It’s not working, you’re going to fail,”
your mind taunts.
Happy thoughts... cookies, books, laughter, friends.

Exhaustion overwhelms you
you have to keep walking
the destination unknown
but you know one thing...
failing is not an option.


Participating and Contributing Solo

Ways in which I have participated in and contributed to my learning this term: making sure my work is up to standard and completed on time.
Ways in which I have participated in and contributed to my environment this term: recycling, using reusable bags, plants
Ways in which I have participated in and contributed to my family this term: doing jobs like dishes and coal buckets.
Ways in which I have participated in and contributed to the local community this term: poetry competition

Ways in which I have participated in and contributed to the global world this term: blog posting, kids lit